Defence industry development and innovation capacity
How can national ambitions be realised?
In the national strategy for the defence industry (White Paper) no. 9 (2015-2016), the Government describes objectives for how national security policy interests shall be safeguarded through maintaining and further developing an internationally competitive Norwegian defence industry. These are objectives that will now be further developed and operationalised in cooperation between the actors in the defence industry – known as Triaxial collaboration.
FFI provides knowledge-based advice to the Ministry of Defence in the work on further developing Norwegian defence industry policy. This work involves cooperating with key decision-makers in the sector, operational user environments in the Armed Forces, and maintaining good contact with various industry actors. It also entails extensive international cooperation in order to assert the Norwegian industry’s position in relation to international markets.
We conduct analyses, prepare statistics and make assessments relating to development aspects for the Norwegian and international defence industry and defence markets. This is subsequently used as a basis for advising the Ministry on the continued development of Norwegian defence industry strategy – including regarding the use of various tools to secure market access and equal framework conditions for the Norwegian defence industry in the American and European defence markets.
On assignment, FFI also conducts defence industry assessments and analyses as a basis for the Ministry of Defence’s choice of procurement strategy for development or purchases of new materiel. We shall contribute to enabling the Ministry to make well-founded and consistent choices on the use of suppliers. National security needs and considerations for national emergency preparedness capabilities are especially considered.
In recent years, there has especially been a focus on strengthening the defence sector’s capacity to manage needs and opportunity-driven innovation – and being able to rapidly develop new solutions by also utilising commercially available technology. FFI published a report on the Triaxial collaboration model in autumn 2018, with recommendations for measures to be implemented in order to strengthen this model and innovation capacity.
In 2019, FFI then commenced its own work on innovation in the defence sector in order to enhance the understanding of how we can further develop innovation efforts in the defence sector.
Among other things, we wish to increase our competence on how incentives and other tools can increase the likelihood of more rapid development, commercialisation and implementation of new solutions and materiel. This will enable us to serve as better advisers, both for the Armed Forces and for the defence industry.
We are therefore collaborating with national and international innovation communities to map trends, identify development opportunities and learn from other strong innovation actors both within and outside the defence sector. The project will then aggregate the knowledge and experience that is gained in the various areas of research at the Division for Innovation and Industrial Development, and present recommendations on this basis.
Annual report: Norwegian defence industry
FFI produces an annual report that described the activities of the Norwegian defence industry. These reports serve as a barometer of the industry’s development and are found primarily in the report series Defence Industry in Norway, which has been produced since 2009, and where selected financial target figures are reviewed.
The purpose is to provide information about the industry’s structural and financial development. The statistics are commissioned by the Ministry of Defence. In addition, the Norwegian Defence and Security Industries Association (FSi) supports the work of retrieving and processing the material.
Research reports and scientific articles
The titles may be in Norwegian, but you can read an English summary of the report if you click the read more link.