Forsvarsindustrien i Norge : statistikk 2011
About the publication
Report number
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This report presents statistics for the defense industry in Norway in 2011, and is an annual publication from FFI. The purpose of the study is to present an overview of the activity in the Norwegian defense sector and to monitor its development over time. The results create a basis for more comprehensive and detailed analysis of the defense industry in the future.
The first part of the report presents selected key figures for the size and activity of the defense industry as a whole and by business categories. Key figures include revenues, man-labor years, value added, export, research and development (R&D) and sub-contracts. Many of the figures are split between civilian and military activity, also including the development since 2009. Further-more the report presents key figures from the financial statements of the Norwegian armed forces, such as type of the deliveries. The report will also for the first time present a curve based on the businesses annual financial statements.
The second part of the report describes the data sources and the methods that form the basis for the statistics. In this part we also inform of non-response and insecurities in the statistics.