Executive group

FFI is led by  Director General Kenneth Ruud. Included in the executive group are seven division Directors and a Deputy Director General.

profilbilde FFI administrerende direktør Kenneth Ruud

Kenneth Ruud

Kenneth Ruud is Director General at FFI. He holds a Dr.Philos. in theoretical and computational chemistry from the University of Oslo. His main research focus has been on developing and applying electronic-structure methods to light-matter interactions in a wide frequency range, including nonlinear optical processes.

Dr.Philos. Ruud joined FFI in January 2022. He has extensive experience with research and research leadership, including the position as pro-rector for research and development at the University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway (UiT). Ruud holds a position as principal investigator at Hylleraas Centre for Quantum Molecular Sciences.

Portrettbilde av mann i dress

Jan Erik Torp

Jan Erik Torp is Deputy Director General at FFI. He holds a cand. scient. degree in geophysics from the University of Bergen.

Mr. Torp joined FFI in 1987 and has worked as a scientist, as Director of Research and as Director of various FFI divisions, before he became Chief of Staff in 2012. In 2021 he became head of the newly created unit Strategic cooperation. Jan Erik Torp has previously been Chair in the NATO Science Technology Organization System Analysis and Studies Panel. Torp has held his current position since 2021. 

Silhuett av mann. Illustrasjon


André Pettersen

André Pettersen is Director of the Innovation and Industrial Development Division. He has an MSc in Advanced Control Systems from UMIST in England and has a master's degree in technology management from NTNU and NHH with specialization in innovation at MIT. His area of ​​expertise is cybernetics, robotics, autonomy and innovation.

Pettersen has worked at FFI since 2000. He has broad experience from research activities and the strategic development of the institute. He has been head of research for FFI's autonomy initiative and underwater robotics and was Director at the establishment of the Strategic Development and Corporate Governance Division. He has also been in the secretariat of the Defense Commission.

profilbilde Espen Skjelland

Espen Skjelland

Espen Skjelland is Director of the Strategic Analyses and Joint Systems Division. He holds a Cand. scient. degree in computer science from the University of Oslo. His areas of expertise are security policy, economy, and operational analysis.

Mr. Skjelland joined FFI in 1990. Between 1995 and 2002 he held various positions in the Norwegian Ministry of Defence – as adviser, deputy director general, and Chief Secretary of the Defence Policy Commission. Between 2003 and 2009 he was Director of Research of FFIs Analysis Division. 


Øyvind Sjøvik

Øyvind Sjøvik is Director of FFI’s Defence Systems Division. He holds an engineering degree in physical properties of electronics from the Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH) in Trondheim, and his area of expertise is electro-optics with a specialty in infrared and optical sensors. Sjøvik attended Officers’ School while in the Infantry and has served as an officer at divisions of His Majesty The King’s Guard and the Norwegian Home Guard.

Sjøvik has been employed in various positions at FFI since 1996, as researcher, research manager and deputy research director. He has broad experience with developing missile technology and translating FFI’s R&D into operational applications by way of close co-operation with the defence sector and defence industry. He is a member of NATO Science and Technology Organization (STO) Sensors & Electronics Panel (SET) and has served as Chair of SET’s Optical Technology from 2016 to 2018.

profilbilde av Trygve Sparr

Trygve Sparr

Trygve Sparr is Director of the Sensor and Surveillance Systems Division. He holds a dr.scient. degree in physics from University of Tromsø. His area of expertise is experimental physics and sensors with an emphasis on radar. Mr. Sparr has broad expertise in sensors, analysis, operational processes and ICT systems.

Trygve Sparr joined FFI in 1998 and has served as a scientist, research manager, assistant division director and director of research. Mr. Sparr has previously worked five years in the private industry. He has been responsible for Norwegian contributions to NATO development in intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) and has also taught at the University of Oslo. Mr. Sparr has held his current position since 2021.

profilbilde av janet blatny

Janet Martha Blatny

Janet Martha Blatny is Director of the Total Defence Division. She holds a PhD degree in biotechnology from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). She has broad experience with issues related to CBRNE threats (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive substances), protection and preparedness, comprehensive defence and civil-military cooperation.

Janet Martha Blatny joined FFI in 2003 and served as a scientist and research manager prior to her present position. She has previously worked as a scientist and postdoc at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), and she has approximately 50 peer-reviewed publications. Through her extensive network, including in EU and NATO research programs, Janet Martha Blatny has established several collaborative projects between FFI and various civilian and military actors within the areas of preparedness, threat assessment, comprehensive defence and societal security. She is Vice Chair (2019–2021) and Chair (2021–2023) of the NATO Science Technology Organization Human Factors and Medicine Panel. In 2009, Janet Martha Blatny attended the Senior Executive Course at the Norwegian National Defence College. She has held her current position since 2014.


Tove Kristin Mørch Johansen

Tove Kristin Mørch Johansen is Director of the Operation and Support Division. She is educated at BI Norwegian Business School.

Tove Kristin Mørch Johansen joined FFI in 1993. She has, among other things, served as Purchasing Manager (2008–2012) and Chief Financial Officer (2012–2018). She also has extensive experience with several efficiency improvement programs at FFI. Tove Kristin Mørch Johansen has held her current position since 2021.


Maren Kristine Moen 

Maren Kristine Moen is Director of the Strategic Development and Corporate Governance Division. She is Cand. Mag. in political science, russian and history from the University of Oslo (UiO) and has a master's degree in political science from the University of Oslo and the Moscow State Institute for International Politics (MGIMO).

Maren Kristine Moen has extensive experience in administration and management from the university and college sector, and has worked with organizational and business development at the University of Oslo and Oslo Metropolitan University. Ms. Moen has held this position since 2022.