
På denne siden finner du referansene til saken «Hvordan kan forsvaret lykkes med multidomeneoperasjoner?»

Congressional research service (2022). Joint All-Domain Command and Control: Background and Issues for Congress. Lastet ned 29. mai 2024 fra

Larsson, G., Alvinius, A., Bakken, B., & Hœrem, T. (2023). Social psychological aspects of inter-organizational collaboration in a total defense context: a literature reviewInternational Journal of Organizational Analysis31(3), 693-709.

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Skjelland, E., Glærum, S., Nyhamar, T., Sendstad, C., Arnfinnsson, B., Fauske, M.F., Gjørven, E., Klausen, R.A., Køber, P.K., Lammersdorf, A.B., Lausuns, K., Olsen, K.E., Olsen, R., Reitan, J., Sellevåg, S.T. & Waage, K. (2024). Forsvarsanalysen 2024 (FFI-rapport 24/00298) Kjeller: Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt 

Valaker, S.,Stensrud, R.,Haugen, T., Eikelbook, A.R., & van Bemmel, I.R. (2020). The Influence of Harmonisation Levels on Multi-domain Operations Effectiveness: The Moderating Roles of Organisational Environment and Command and Control Variety, 25th International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium 2020.