Testing av sjokkfølsomhet av Dyno I-RDX

FFI-Rapport 2002

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Gunnar Ove Nevstad
PBXN-109 has been produced from different RDX qualities to study properties as pot-life, mechanical properties and shock sensitivity. DYNO Industrier produced the applied RDX. The first RDX quality studied was delivered as CXM-7 product, and the obtained PBXN-109 was studied with regard to pot-life and mechanical properties. The second RDX quality applied for PBXN-109 production was an I-RDX. For this PBXN-109 product the main purpose was to determine the shock sensitivity in a Gap-test. To obtain a detonation reaction in intermediate scale Gap test the PBXN-109 based on the I-RDX needed a shock pressure of 60+2 kbar. This is a much higher pressure than 25+5 kbar needed for PBXN-109 based on standard RDX product to give the same detonation reaction. The tested PBXN-109 product has even lower sensitivity than the similar product produced with I-RDX from SNPE in France. Both PBXN-109 products containing CXM-7 and I-RDX had low viscosity and a satisfactory pot-life for casting. Obtained mechanical properties with regard to stress-strain and hardness are better than the requirement for both PBXN- 109 products.

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