Syntetisk modellering av radarrefleksjoner i FPGA design

FFI-Rapport 2004

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Øyvind Thingsrud

This thesis for the cand.scient. degree at the University of Oslo at Department of Informatics is documenting work done on synthetic modelling of radar reflections and concepts for implementation in an experimental radar jammer at the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI). The thesis starts with radar and radar jamming history, before an introduction to the fundamentals on radar systems, especially on digital pulse compression. Then today’s radar jammers and the Digital Radio Frequency Memory (DRFM) are introduced. Different concepts for synthetic modelling of radar reflections are simulated and verified with the software tool MatLab, before possible realisation structures for the jammer modulator are analysed. At the end of the thesis possible implementations and hardware technologies for the modulator are worked out. The final conclusion on the thesis is that the requested jammer modulator can be implemented in a multi-chip Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) structure and can be configured to handle a number of situations and tasks.

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