Støtte til militærfaglig utredning 2003 (MFU 03) : utredning om befalsordning
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This report summarises the work addressing evaluation of the existing and alternative military personnel systems for
commissioned and non-commissioned officers. Results of the work, conducted by FFI, have been continuously fed into
the main-project, established by the Ministry of Defence.
The objectives in FFI’s work fall into three dimensions. (1) Historic age and degree development, (2) future need and
availability of different personnel categories, and (3) costing related to different military personnel systems. This study
has simply focused on quantitative matters.
Both the average age and degree distribution for military personnel in the Norwegian Armed Forces has over recent
years experienced a growing skewness. The arithmetical mean of age has been rising as well as the relative figure of
officers on higher ranks (maj.-gen.) relative to lower ranks (sgt.-kpt.).
The existing military personnel system lacks flexibility to produce the optimal availability of officers, related to the
need. Alternative systems with increased use of employment contracts limited in time are, from an economic and
analytical point of view, more capable to meet future challenges.