NATO fra bolverk til nettverk
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The purpose of the report is to analyse the challenges of globalisation to NATO. The report is divided into four main topics. The first describes the changes in NATO’s surroundings (part 2) and in NATO itself (part 3). The second topic is discussing NATO’s potential to use the strategy of coercive diplomacy. Part 4 presents a framework for discussing factors increasing the probability that the strategy of coercive diplomacy is successful. Employing the framework, the report assesses NATO’s performance in Kosovo (part 5) and Afghanistan (part 6). The conclusion is mainly negative: Coercive diplomacy does not appear to be a viable strategy for NATO to promote its interests. Instead, NATO’s continued development towards a collective security organisation and away from a collective defence organisation seems likely. In part 7, the impact of the events in Kosovo and the war on terrorism on NATO’s present and future development is spelled out. The main effect is a continued change in NATO’s organisation form hierarchy and towards more of a network organisation, which might have been accelerated by these two events. The fourth and final topic is that the report suggests some consequences for Norwegian security policy (part 8).