Mixel camera - a new push-broom camera concept for high spatial resolution keystone-free hyperspectral imaging

Vitenskapelig artikkel 2013

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Gudrun Kristine Høye Andrei Fridman
Current high-resolution push-broom hyperspectral cameras introduce keystone errors to the captured data. Efforts to correct these errors in hardware severely limit the optical design, in particular with respect to light throughput and spatial resolution, while at the same time the residual keystone often remains large. The mixel camera solves this problem by combining a hardware component – an array of light mixing chambers – with a mathematical method that restores the hyperspectral data to its keystone-free form, based on the data that was recorded onto the sensor with large keystone. A Virtual Camera software, that was developed specifically for this purpose, was used to compare the performance of the mixel camera to traditional cameras that correct keystone in hardware. The mixel camera can collect at least four times more light than most current high-resolution hyperspectral cameras, and simulations have shown that the mixel camera will be photon-noise limited – even in bright light – with a significantly improved signal-to-noise ratio compared to traditional cameras. A prototype has been built and is being tested.


Høye, Gudrun Kristine; Fridman, Andrei. Mixel camera - a new push-broom camera concept for high spatial resolution keystone-free hyperspectral imaging. Optics Express 2013 ;Volum 21.(9) s. 11057-11077

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