Mathematical relations related to the lode parameter for studies of ductility
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During plastic flow, hydrostatic pressure and plastic strain control the size of the
yield surface while the Lode angle is responsible for its shape. The von Mises
yield condition shows no dependency of the Lode angle while the Tresca
condition shows. It has been concluded that the deviation from the von Mises
criterion is real and could not be explained on the basis of lack of experimental
accuracy and isotropy. What is notable is that from an engineering viewpoint the
accuracy of the von Mises yielding is amply sufficient. However, it has been
forecast that Lode dependency must be included to describe ductility. It has been
shown that internal necking down of ligaments between voids that have become
significantly enlarged in size dominates at high triaxiality, while internal shear
localization of plastic strain between voids of limited growth dominates at low
stress triaxiality. The Lode angle has been used to account for these effects. In this
paper, various mathematical relations are examined that may be useful for further
studies of the Lode angle and its relation to fracture and ductility.
Moxnes, John Fredrik; Frøyland, Øyvind. Mathematical relations related to the lode parameter for studies of ductility. Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics 2016 ;Volum 10.(3) s. 113-124