Målinger av hastighetsfelter i flygenererte virvler nær hus under innflyvningstraseen ved Kjevik flyplass

FFI-Rapport 2001

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Øyvind Andreassen Anders Helgeland
Winds caused by aircraft generated vortices are measured close to a roof in the approach to Kjevik airport. It is reported that aircraft vortices have caused tiles to fall down from roofs. In this report measurements of wind velocities caused by aircrafts are presented. We find wind speeds up to only 5 m/s, which is small compared to wind caused by storms which are typically 15 m/s. Based upon measurements, it is our impression that the influence from aircraft vortices on roofs are not strong. On the other hand, winds do not alone indicate hydrodynamical forces. The topology of the wind field might be of importance and we have no ability to assess that by a one point wind registration alone. We know that the aircraft caused vortices are strongly turbulent, as is the boundary layer close to the roofs and ground. To make a final conclusion about the vortex influences, we suggest that pressure measurements are performed at the actual roof. Then he forces can be estimated directly.

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