Low-energy enhancement of nuclear γ strength and its impact on astrophysical reaction rates

Vitenskapelig artikkel 2014

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Ann-Cecilie Larsen Nives Blasi Angela Bracco Arnold Bürger Franco Camera Tomas Kvalheim Eriksen Francesca Giacoppo Stephan Goriely Magne Sveen Guttormsen Andreas Görgen Trine Wiborg Hagen Sotirios Harissopulos Paul Edward Koehler Silvia Leoni Bénédicte Million Hilde-Therese Nyhus Therese Renstrøm Sunniva Johanne Rose Inger Eli Ruud Andreas Ulrich Schiller Sunniva Siem Tamas Gabor Tornyi Gry Merete Tveten Alexander Voinov Mathis Wiedeking
An unexpected enhancement in the low-energy part of the γ-strength function for light and medium-mass nuclei has been discovered at the Oslo Cyclotron Laboratory. This enhancement could lead to an increase in the neutron-capture rates up to two orders of magnitude for very exotic, neutron-rich nuclei. However, it is still an open question whether this structure persists when approaching the neutron drip line.


Larsen, Ann-Cecilie; Blasi, Nives; Bracco, Angela; Bürger, Arnold; Camera, Franco; Eriksen, Tomas Kvalheim; Giacoppo, Francesca; Goriely, Stephan; Guttormsen, Magne Sveen; Görgen, Andreas; Hagen, Trine Wiborg; Harissopulos, Sotirios; Koehler, Paul Edward; Leoni, Silvia; Million, Bénédicte; Nyhus, Hilde-Therese; Renstrøm, Therese; Rose, Sunniva Johanne; Ruud, Inger Eli; Schiller, Andreas Ulrich; Siem, Sunniva; Tornyi, Tamas Gabor; Tveten, Gry Merete; Voinov, Alexander; Wiedeking, Mathis. Low-energy enhancement of nuclear γ strength and its impact on astrophysical reaction rates. The European Physical Journal Conferences 2014 ;Volum 66:07014.

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