Initial lab testing of IP messaging over the AN PRC-117F

FFI-Rapport 2005

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Vivianne Jodalen Ove Grønnerud Bjørn Solberg
This report documents the preliminary testing of the STANAG 4406 (Formal Military Messaging) using IP over the Harris AN/PRC-117F radio. Functional testing and limited performance testing have been conducted in a short time period when the radios were available. Only the IP Line-Of-Sight mode of the radio has been evaluated. Transmitting STANAG 4406 Annex E messages using IP over the AN/PRC-117F is feasible with a maximum data link throughput of 17 kbit/s for a 75 kbyte message over an ideal channel. This was achieved with optimum offered load to the radio. Application throughput is somewhat less. Taking account of non-optimal channel conditions the offered load was reduced, and a maximum application throughput of 6.5 kbit/s was achieved for good channels. This throughput is lower than expected from knowledge of the maximum gross data rate capability of the radio;64 kbit/s. The relatively low application throughput is due to the small buffer size of the radio that sets a limit on the input data rate (offered load).

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