High-energy bow tie multi-pass cells for nonlinear spectralbroadening applications
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Multi-pass cells (MPCs) have emerged as very attractive tools for spectral broadening and
post-compression applications. We discuss pulse energy limitations of standard MPCs considering
basic geometrical scaling principles and introduce a novel energy scaling method using a MPC
arranged in a bow tie geometry. Employing nonlinear pulse propagation simulations, we
numerically demonstrate the compression of 125 mJ, 1 ps pulses to 50 fs using a compact 2 m long
setup and outline routes to extend our approach into the Joule-regime.
Heyl, Christoph M.; Seidel, Marcus; Escoto, Esmerando; Schönberg, Arthur; Carlström, Stefanos; Arisholm, Gunnar; Lang, Tino; Hartl, Ingmar. High-energy bow tie multi-pass cells for nonlinear spectral broadening applications. JPhys Photonics 2022 ;Volum 4