Håndtering av IKT-kriser : aktører og roller

FFI-Rapport 2005

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Lene Bogen Kristin Mørkestøl
This report presents an analysis and overview of the different actors involved in ICT crisis management in Norway. It particularly studies the responsibilities, roles and the measures available, and also gives an introduction to ICT crisis management in Italy and France. The study is part of a comprehensive project, “Critical Information Infrastructure Protection”, and has been conducted to provide background information for future recommendations and the ranking of measures for reducing vulnerabilities. The interviews and workshop, based on imagined crisis-scenarios, lead to the conclusion that an ICT crisis is often treated as any other crisis. It proves especially challenging to define an “owner” of an ICT crisis, due to the difficulty in allocating it in a specific sector. The operational crisis management is executed at the lowest possible level, as is also the findings from other countries. The report identifies a general need for a more frequent use of exercises, in order to better prepared for an ICT crisis.

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