FFI - vurdering av omfang og virksomhet - fase 3 - funksjonsområde I - FFIs støtte til Forsvarets politiske og militære ledelse i forbindelse med langsiktig planlegging og utvikling av Forsvaret

FFI-Rapport 2003

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Trond Mossing
As a part of the evaluation of FFI, phase three, a working group was established in order to study FFI’s support to Norwegian defence planning. The group had representatives from the Ministry of Defence, HQ Defence Command and FFI. The report describes the recommendations from this work. Some of the main recommendations are: 1. FFI must be able to support MOD’s strategic and long term defence planning; this requires flexibility and a broad spectrum of competence at FFI 2. FFI should focus on analysis of cost-effectiveness; such analysis should also include the peace time organisation 3. FFI should continue to perform the long term cost analysis of the Norwegian Defence, including the use and development of KOSTMOD 4. FFI should be able to support MOD’s decision processes related to acquisition projects.

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