Experiment report: "Ad Hoc Organisation of Picture Compilation and Situation Awareness in NBD" : Battle Griffin 2005

FFI-Rapport 2005

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Hilde Hafnor Bjørn Jervell Hansen Anders Langmyr Runar Normark Rolf Rasmussen Kjell Rose
This report presents the results from an exploratory experiment conducted during the NATO exercise Battle Griffin in February/March 2005. The experiment was a part of the Norwegian Armed Forces Concept Development & Experimentation (CD&E) program. The experiment explored ad hoc organisation of information flow applied to the distributed compilation of a common operational picture (COP). The main operational idea is that the new technological solutions will increase the ability to establish a COP in situations where dynamic configuration of forces is necessary. This will increase shared situation awareness. The idea is also that the processes of picture compilation should be tailored to get the most operational value out of the new technological possibilities. An additional aim was to explore new ways of collaboration (horizontal collaboration) between military units on the tactical command and control level, given the availability of new technological solutions. We evaluated how selected components of the technology demonstrator and the new ways of collaboration affected situation awareness both on individual and team level. The main conclusion is that the results confirm our operational idea as a promising approach.

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