Autonome sensorsystemer : kommunikasjonsbehov for uavhengige sensorer
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The network centric approach of the Norwegian Defence drives the need for new sensor systems. Extended coverage
and network connectivity must be accomplished by self-organising and autonomous sensor systems. In this context a
survey of available sensor systems and an investigation into the various fields of use has been conducted. The study
focuses on sensor categories that can be used for detection and surveillance of military ground operations. Technical
solutions, products, research and development programs from open sources are summarised and referenced in the report.
Relevant examples of autonomous sensor systems, independent of platform and infrastructure, are described in more
detail. These descriptions include available information on communication needs and solutions. Specifications for
communication solutions are discussed based on the sensor findings. This report provides a reference about the present
state of autonomous sensor systems. These are not compared or analysed for a conclusion on applicability to operational
needs. However, the need for an extensive development in design, application and interconnectivity of autonomous
sensors is very evident, and the possibilities for their successful technical implementation appear to be very high. At
present, the technology seems to be immature.