Augmenting Radar Doppler Resolution with Neural Networks

Vitenskapelig artikkel 2021
Jabran Akhtar
In order to generate high-resolution Doppler profiles a radar needs to emit a large number of pulses within a coherent processing interval (CPI). For a radar operating in demanding scenarios it can be difficult to sustain a long CPI across search directions. In this work, an application of small neural networks is proposed to augment the Doppler resolution beyond the one detailed by basic radar parameters. A specific neural network structure is proposed which can be trained to operate on complex valued time-domain data and yield a frequency transformed output with an increased Doppler bin resolution. It is shown that by making use of these techniques a radar can improve its ability to detect targets and to distinguish closely spaced targets. A limited increase in the Doppler bin resolution can be sustained with little to no negative impact on the false alarm rate.


Akhtar, Jabran. Augmenting Radar Doppler Resolution with Neural Networks. European Signal Processing Conference 2021 s. 1551-1555

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