Anisotropic scattered data interpolation for pushbroom image rectification

Vitenskapelig artikkel 2014

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Erik Ringaby Ola Friman Per-Erik Forssén Thomas Olsvik Opsahl Trym Vegard Haavardsholm Ingebjørg Kåsen
This paper deals with fast and accurate visualization of pushbroom image data from airborne and spaceborne platforms. A pushbroom sensor acquires images in a line-scanning fashion, and this results in scattered input data that need to be resampled onto a uniform grid for geometrically correct visualization. To this end, we model the anisotropic spatial dependence structure caused by the acquisition process. Several methods for scattered data interpolation are then adapted to handle the induced anisotropic metric and compared for the pushbroom image rectification problem. A trick that exploits the semiordered line structure of pushbroom data to improve the computational complexity several orders of magnitude is also presented.


Ringaby, Erik; Friman, Ola; Forssén, Per-Erik; Opsahl, Thomas Olsvik; Haavardsholm, Trym Vegard; Kåsen, Ingebjørg. Anisotropic scattered data interpolation for pushbroom image rectification. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2014 ;Volum 23.(5) s. 2302-2314

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