The impact of flow noise on towed and hull mounted acoustical sensors : an introductory study
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In this introductory study we have assessed the impact of turbulence generated wall-pressure fluctuations on surfacemounted
acoustical sensors, with a special focus on towed sonar arrays. The main findings are that the sound-pressurelevels
generally can be expected to be broad banded and exhibit very high SPLs, even at low towing speeds. The SPLs
increases dramatically with increased towing speed. By increased the sensor area, the pressure-fluctuations on the
surface are convolved such that the SPL decreases. Some brief discussions on transfers of waves within towed antennas
are also included, together with some comments on the downstream evolution of a submarine wake and its interaction
with a towed antenna.
The results of this study show that turbulence generated flow noise on towed, or hull-mounted, acoustical sensors are
significant. It is therefore seems necessary to further address this problem in order to understand how flow noise affects
these systems which necessarily has an adverse impact on the performance. Such a fundamental study would enable
advanced signal processing routines to be tested and further developed, parametric studies concerning optimal design to
be conducted as so forth.