Non-lethal weapons and international humanitarian law
About the publication
Report number
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This report evaluates the possible use of non-lethal weapons in the light of international treaty law and customary law
pertaining to the legality of various kinds of weapons. The purpose is to determine to which extent non-lethal weapons
may be used by Norwegian forces, both in armed conflict as well as in peacekeeping operations. Possible limitations or
prohibitions on non-lethal weapons are discussed with regard to the general rules in international humanitarian law on
proportionality, as well as the more specific legal regimes pertaining to chemical and biological weapons, anti-personnel
landmines, etc. Being particularly relevant to non-lethal weapons, the Chemical Weapons Convention is subject to a
thorough discussion on its general scope of application regarding non-lethal chemicals. The report concludes that if a
type of weapon or ammunition is prohibited by general or specific rules, the possible classification as ”non-lethal” does
not eliminate the prohibition. However, certain weapons are only prohibited in armed conflict, and thus may be used in
law enforcement assignments, for example in peacekeeping operations. This would for instance apply to non-lethal
chemical weapons.