Thugs or Terrorists? A Typology of Right-Wing Terrorism in Western Europe
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Despite Western Europe’s extensive history of right-wing terrorism, a systematic
categorization of key actors and events is lacking. This article aims to narrow this gap by
proposing the first empirically derived typology of right-wing terrorism and violence in
Western Europe. The article begins by introducing a method for reviewing and developing
typologies, informed by relevant social science literature. This method is first used to review
Ehud Sprinzak’s seminal typology of right-wing terrorism. While Sprinzak merits
recognition for having developed the only universal typology in the field, the review shows
that his typology does not satisfy established criteria for typology building. Combining
quantitative and qualitative post-WWII data, a new typology is therefore proposed, based
on attack frequencies and differences in perpetrators’ strategy and organization. This new
typology facilitates sharper distinctions, both between different types of perpetrators and
between different forms of violence.
Ravndal, Jakob Aasland. Thugs or Terrorists? A Typology of Right-Wing Terrorism in Western Europe. Journal for Deradicalization 2015 (3) s. 1-38