The defence industry as a locomotive for technological renewal in Russia: are the conditions in place?

Vitenskapelig artikkel 2017

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Tor Bukkvoll Tomas Malmlöf Konstantin Makienko
This article examines the extent to which the conditions for successful military to civilian technological spin-offs are in place in Russia. This is important because Russian authorities use the potential for such spin-offs as one of several arguments for justifying large defence expenditure. Six conditions are identified, all of which are derived from the theoretical literature on the transfer of technology from the military to civilian sector. We conclude that despite some government efforts to generate spin-offs by providing technology brokering, and despite some joint military–civilian technological development taking place within defence industry enterprises, most of the conditions required to generate substantial technology transfer from the military to civilian sector are not present in Russia.


Bukkvoll, Tor; Malmlöf, Tomas; Makienko, Konstantin. The defence industry as a locomotive for technological renewal in Russia: are the conditions in place?. Post-Communist Economies 2017 ;Volum 29.(2) s. 232-249

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