Sammenheng mellom konsentrasjon av PCB i sedimenter, sjøvann og biota

FFI-Rapport 2005

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Helle Kristin Rossland Arnt Johnsen
FFI has conducted a study to get knowledge of the concentration of PCB in seawater along the Norwegian coast and how these levels are related to the levels of PCB found in sediments and biota. A total of seven locations along the coast were selected, four locations were known contaminated and three locations were expected to be clean. No distinct correlation between the PCB concentrations in the three compartments was found, but the correlation between semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) and Blue Mussels was relatively good and a correlation between sediment and Blue Mussels was observed at low sediment concentrations. A supplementary study of SPMDs versus a high volume water sampler to establish the PCB concentration in seawater was conducted at Haakonsvern Naval Base. Results from the sampling at Haakonsvern indicated that the SPMD had an uptake rate of 4.9 l/day, which is exactly the same rate found under laboratory condition by the supplier for PCB-52. If data from the survey along the Norwegian coast is used the uptake rate is estimated to 1.4 l/day.

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