Near-PHz-bandwidth, phase-stable continua generated from a Yb:YAG thin-disk amplifier

Vitenskapelig artikkel 2016

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Hanieh Fattahi Haochuan Wang Ayman Alismail Gunnar Arisholm Vladimir Pervak Abdallah M. Azzeer Ferenc Krausz
We report on the generation of a multi-octave, phase-stable continuum from the output of a Yb:YAG regenerative amplifier delivering 1-ps pulses with randomly varying carrier-envelope phase (CEP). The intrinsically CEP-stable spectral continuum spans from 450 nm to beyond 2500 nm, covering a spectral range of about 0.6 PHz. The generated coherent broadband light carries an energy of 4 μJ, which can be scaled to higher values if required. The system has been designed and is ideally suited for seeding broadband parametric amplifiers and multichannel synthesizers pumped by picosecond Yb:YAG amplifiers, obviating the need for active timing synchronization required in previous approaches. The presented concept paves the way to cost-effective, reliable all-Yb:YAG single-cycle sources with terawatt peak-power and tens-of-Watts average power.


Fattahi, Hanieh; Wang, Haochuan; Alismail, Ayman; Arisholm, Gunnar; Pervak, Vladimir; Azzeer, Abdallah M.; Krausz, Ferenc. Near-PHz-bandwidth, phase-stable continua generated from a Yb:YAG thin-disk amplifier. Optics Express 2016 ;Volum 24.(21) s. 24337-24346

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