Moral outrage: The generative power of political emotions.

Vitenskapelig artikkel 2018

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Nerina Weiss Therese Sandrup Mette-Louise Johansen
Moral outrage has until now been conceptualized as a call to action, a reaction to injustice and transgressions, and a forceful motor for democratic participation, acts of civil disobedience, and violent and illicit action. This introduction goes beyond linear causality between trigger events, political emotions, and actions to explore moral outrage as it is experienced and expressed in contexts of political violence, providing a better understanding of that emotion’s generic power. Moral outrage is here understood as a multidimensional emotion that may occur momentarily and instantly, and exist as an enduring process and being-in-the-world, based on intergenerational experiences of violence, state histories, or local contexts of fear and anxiety. Because it appears in the intersubjective field, moral outrage is central for identity politics and social positioning, so we show how moral outrage may be a prism to investigate and understand social processes such as mobilization, collectivities, moral positioning and responsiveness, and political violence.


Weiss, Nerina; Sandrup, Therese; Johansen, Mette-Louise. Moral outrage: The generative power of political emotions.. Conflict and Society - Advances in Research 2018 ;Volum 4.(1)

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