Laboratory analysis of CBRN-substances: Stakeholder networks as clue to higher CBRN resilience in Europe
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The threat of terrorists using CBRN agents continues to pose a risk of mass casualties and severe disruption of societal functions in Europe. Standardisation of crisis management activities is one important step towards effective national and international interoperability and increased resilience. Understanding which CBRN agents are involved in an incident is vital for appropriate response measures. We applied a system's view on the process of CBRN sample analysis and see three discrete applications; Immediate incident response, Forensics, Post incident monitoring. Together with laboratory experts and policy makers from across Europe we identified needs for quality assurance measures in these three areas. Here, we suggest various harmonisation activities that can facilitate interoperability between all stakeholders concerned with CBRN sample analysis. Foremost, we recommend purpose-oriented laboratory networks, but also minimum performance requirements for First Responders' detection and sampling capabilities, best practices for sample transport and documentation.
Plamboeck, Agneta Hånell; Stöven, Svenja; Davidson, Raquel Duarte; Fykse, Else-Marie; Griffiths, Mark D.; Nieuwenhuizen, Maarten; Rivier, Cédric; van der Schans, Marcel. Laboratory analysis of CBRN-substances: Stakeholder networks as clue to higher CBRN resilience in Europe. TrAC. Trends in analytical chemistry 2016 ;Volum 85. s. 2-9