Jammertest 2022: Jamming and Spoofing Lessons Learned
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Jammertest 2022 was a week-long series of satellite navigation and timing signal jamming and spoofing exercises carried out on the Norwegian island of Andøya in September of 2022. Organized via a collaboration between the Norwegian spectrum management authority, defense research establishment, public roads administration, metrology service, and others, the result was the largest known GNSS jamming and spoofing event open to international collaboration and provided an open-access data and publication policy for participants. This paper reviews the event’s organization, scheduled tests, noteworthy jamming observations, noteworthy spoofing observations, and the unexpected observations found during the event and also presents information on what data are publicly available to interested parties, along with the contact information needed to obtain these data.
Jammertest 2022: Jamming and Spoofing Lessons Learned. Engineering Proceedings 2023 ;Volum 54.(1)