Introduction: Training is more important than technology (for performance in the cold)

Vitenskapelig artikkel 2023
Karl E. Friedl Henriette Hasselstrom Boris R.M. Kingma Arne Johan Norheim Tommi Ojanen Wendy Sullivan-Kwantes Hilde Kristin Teien Graham White
After more than 50 years of studying soldiers in the cold, we are well past the phase of defining the unique problems; the research requirements are known but the solutions have been slow in coming. This requires iterative testing of proposed lab-based solutions with soldiers in the real environment. Representing a renewed effort to produce and implement solutions to human biomedical challenges in Arctic operations, this journal supplement highlights presentations from a three-day NATO Human Factors and Medicine panel-sponsored symposium in Washington DC in October 2022. While technology can certainly aid soldiers in extreme environments, it is ultimately training that is the most important factor for ensuring optimal performance and survival. By investing in the development of specialized Arctic forces training and implementing new solutions to protect their health and performance, we can ensure success in the coldest and harshest of environments.


Friedl, Karl E.; Hasselstrom, Henriette; Kingma, Boris R.M.; Norheim, Arne Johan; Ojanen, Tommi; Sullivan-Kwantes, Wendy; Teien, Hilde Kristin; White, Graham. Introduction: Training is more important than technology (for performance in the cold). International Journal of Circumpolar Health 2023 ;Volum 82.(1)

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