Experimental investigation into radar-based central blood pressure estimation

Vitenskapelig artikkel 2015

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Lars Erik Solberg Øyvind Aardal Tor Berger Ilangko Balasingham Erik Fosse Svein-Erik Hamran
To assess whether radar technology can be used for monitoring blood pressure via information from the aorta, two experiments were performed: (i) measurements on a phantom model and (ii) acquisitions on a human subject for in vivo experiments. A linear dependency of phase on radius in the radar echoes in the phantom model showed that the information regarding the radius of a circular, cylindrical object depended on the clutter environment: in a low-clutter case two distinct reflections were identified, whereas in the high-clutter case it was possible to extract a proxy. Radar echoes from antennas strapped to the back of a human subject showed a clear signature from a discernible, distinct reflector believed to be the aorta. However, as for the high-clutter case, only a proxy for aortic radius is available as basis for estimation, which is most likely coupled with aortic displacements.


Solberg, Lars Erik; Aardal, Øyvind; Berger, Tor; Balasingham, Ilangko; Fosse, Erik; Hamran, Svein-Erik. Experimental investigation into radar-based central blood pressure estimation. IET radar, sonar & navigation 2015 ;Volum 9.(2) s. 145-153

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