Blindgjengerfaren i regionfelt Østlandet
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This report contains an assessment of the risk level exposed on civilians hiking in the Firing Range East (Regionfelt
Østlandet) which is in the process of being established.
The foreseen activity may produce in the order of 2000 duds pr year. 50% of these are potentially harmful. These duds
are to be found in an area of the range covering around 70 km2
. In a few small dedicated areas, the number of duds pr
unit area will be much higher than in the rest of the area.
Based on calculations made in another Norwegian firing range, the risk involved in steping on duds, or on the soil
immediately above a dud, is less than 0.02%. With the anticipated level of activity in the firing range, and provided that
the activity is maintained at the planned level for several decades, the risk involved in walking 1 km, outside any roads
or tracks, will not exceed 1ppm.
With this risk level, and given at that 1000 trips are made into the danger area annually, there may be one accident not
more often than every 100th year. Compared to other activities connected to recreation or sports, this seems to be an
acceptable risk level.