A Graphical User Interface for Multivariable Analysis of Silicon Solar Cells Using Scripted PC1D Simulations
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PC1D is an open source computer program for simulation of crystalline semiconductor devices, and is the most commonly used simulation software in the solar cell community today. In this work we present a modified version of PC1D which runs from a command line, thus allowing for scripted simulations using any programming language. In order to increase the accessibility of the new program, we have developed a free-for-use graphical user interface which can be run as a standalone executable. We demonstrate the potential of this program by presenting examples of different simulations. The new features that have been implemented in the new program include multivariable analysis, visualization of three-dimensional data sets, extraction of relevant parameters not directly available in PC1D, utilization of optimization algorithms, fitting to experimental data and implementation of additional features like contact shading, emitter series resistance and passivated rear surfaces with local contacts. Simulations can be performed in a simple and efficient manner, allowing for fast analysis and optimization of cell performance, as well as an enhanced fundamental understanding of the physics of solar cell devices.
Haug, Halvard; Olaisen, Birger Retterstøl; Nordseth, Ørnulf; Marstein, Erik Stensrud. A Graphical User Interface for Multivariable Analysis of Silicon Solar Cells Using Scripted PC1D Simulations. Energy Procedia 2013 ;Volum 38. s. 72-79